Poker Glossary
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Paint cards |
Face or picture cards (Jack, Queen and King). |
Pair |
Pass |
To fold. |
Passive |
Pay Off |
Picture Cards |
Face cards (Jack, Queen and King). |
Play Back |
To raise or re-raise another player's bet. |
Playing The Board |
In flop games when your best five card hand is all five of the community cards. |
Pineapple |
A variation of Texas Hold'em, where players receive three cards each and are forced to discard one of them after the flop is dealt, thus reverting to Hold'em. |
Pocket |
The down cards or hole cards. |
Pocket Pair |
A starting hand with two cards of the same rank, making a pair. |
Pocket Rockets |
Pocket Aces. |
Poker Face |
A face not showing any emotion or change in expression. |
Poker Tournament |
A poker tournament is a tournament at which the winners are decided by playing poker, usually a particular style of poker. Contrast this to a ring game, where the game is ongoing with no formal structure to determine a single winner in a certain length of time. |
Position |
Position Bet |
A "position bet" is a bet made more on the strength of one's position at the table than on the strength of one's hand. |
Post |
When you post a bet, youplace your chips in the pot. (You must post the Blinds.) |
Pot |
Pot Committed |
Pot Limit |
Pot Odds |
Pre-Flop |
Prop |
Prop is short for proposition player. This is someone who is paid by the house to play poker. However, the player plays with his own money; the house merely pays him or her an hourly wage to play poker in order to keep the games going. The difference between a prop and a shill is that a shill plays poker with the house money. Props are generally considered okay and a decent way to earn a few extra dollars. However, shills are looked down upon, and it is unheard of for a casino to employ shills. |
Protect |
(1) To keep your hand or a chip on your cards. This prevents them from being fouled by a discarded hand, or accidentally "mucked" by the dealer. (2) To protect a hand is to bet/raise in an effort to make more people fold, thus reducing the chances of anyone outdrawing you. |
Push |
(1)When the dealer pushes the chips to the winning player at the end of a hand. (2)When dealers rotate to other tables. (3) To push someone out of a pot. |
Put On |
To mentally assign a hand to a player for thepurposes of playing out your hand. Example: "He raised on the flop, but I put him on a draw, so I re-raised and then bet the turn." |